
  澳大利亚、新西兰政府针对电气产品进行联合立法强制性规定,2013年开始由澳新电气法规管理委员会(ERAC)统一管理和实施,ERAC为了电气安全建立了新的电气安全体系(EESS), 每个行政辖区都使用全国一致的法规,但监管和执行的责任仍然由州和领地负责。基于风险程度的设备分类由两类改为三类,The regulation of electrical equipment under the EESS only applies to electrical equipment that is in-scope

Ranked by type into one of three Risk Classifications – Level 1 (low risk), Level 2 (medium risk) or Level 3 (high risk).
         A Person, Company or Business that manufacturers in scope electrical equipment in Australia or New Zealand or imports in scope electrical equipment in Australia or New Zealand.
         Must be a legally identifiable Australian or New Zealand entity holding an Australian Business Number (ABN) or New Zealand Inland Revenue Department Number (IRD)
         Have the main obligation for complying with the EESS
         Legislation puts the responsibility on the Responsible Supplier to ensure compliance with the EESS
Level 1 Electrical Equipment (Low Risk) 1级电气设备(低风险)
         Must be electrically safe and meet relevant standards
         Must be marked with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)
         必须标有“符合性标记”(RCM 合规标记)
         Responsible supplier must hold evidence that the equipment is electrically safe and meets the relevant standards
         Evidence must be retained for five years from date of last import or manufacture
Level 2 Electrical Equipment (Medium Risk) 2级电气设备(中等风险)
         Must be electrically safe and meet relevant standards
         Must be marked with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)
         必须标有“符合性标记”(RCM 合规标记)
         Responsible supplier must keep or have access to a Compliance Folder proving that the equipment is electrically safe and meets the relevant standards
         Evidence must be retained for five years from date of last import or manufacture
         Must be registered on the National Database and linked to a responsible supplier
Level 3 Electrical Equipment (High Risk) 3级电气设备(高风险)
         Must be electrically safe and meet relevant standards
         Must have a valid Certificate of Conformity from a recognised certifier
         Must be marked with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)
         必须标有“符合性标记”(RCM 合规标记)
         Must be registered on the National Database in relation to the responsible supplier
Made of Two Databases which ‘talk’: 由两个相互“沟通”的数据库组成
         Responsible Supplier and Product Registration Database
         Certification Database
         All Level 1, 2 or 3 electrical equipment offered for sale in Australia and New Zealand is to be marked with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)
(could be marked with RCM for EMC and approval number under NSW FT)
         Placed on the product as a declaration the product meets all the applicable regulatory requirements
         Further information on labelling found in AS/NZS 4417.1 (use of the mark)
         有关贴标的更多信息可在AS/NZS 4417.1 (标记使用)条款中找到
         Uniform EESS legislation will be adopted by all states and territories of Australia (excluding NSW) and New Zealand on 1st March 2013
         Legislation has provision to allow equipment to be marketable under the rules of previous legislation applicable in those jurisdictions for a transitional period.
-          Current approvals will continue to be valid under the new EESS until they expire
-          当前有效的认证在新的电气设备安全体系下(EESS) 保持有效直至过期。
Transitioning from Old to New Regulations从旧法规向新法规过渡
         Responsible suppliers of Level 1 equipment only have up to 6 months from the commencement date to register on the national database.
         If a Responsible supplier is also supplying Level 2 or Level 3 equipment they need to register within 1 month
         Responsible suppliers have 3 years to ensure all equipment they import is marked with the RCM
         Equipment already in the market will be given 5 years before they must be marked with the RCM (allows the sale of existing stock)
         对已经在市场上销售的设备,5年之内必须标上“符合性标记”(RCM) (留有时间销售现存货物)  